Sustainable societies and communities future comes with women change makers.
Women, through historically oppressed, have always played a crucial role in global communities. As more women are taking leadership positions in social, political, and business roles, it is essential to examine the way in which these women impact cultural development and societal progression. In some cases, these women community leaders’ impact goes beyond their communities and affect transformative cultural change globally.
We have some important things to do in the next few years in terms of the economy, society, and climate change. Luckily, there are already strong women making a difference, and here are a few of our favorite game-changers and changemakers.

Diar foundation women empowerment
Feminism does not aim to make women powerful. Women are already powerful. It is about influencing the way the rest of the world views your strength.” Women have always had fewer opportunities and possibilities to develop their talents and knowledge since ancient times.
Women’s empowerment is an important goal in achieving sustainable development worldwide. Offering access to microfinance services to women is one way to increase women’s empowerment.

Housewives, Breadwinners, Mothers, and Family Heads: The Changing Family Roles of Women. Women are the key to sustainable development and quality of life in the family. Various roles of the women assume in the family are those of wife, leader, administrator, manager of family income and last but not the least important the mother.

A good education teaches kids to think critically, communicate well, solve problems, and work in a team. It also prepares kids to contribute positively to society as adults by teaching them how important it is to be ethical citizens who care about their communities.

Girls’ education goes beyond getting girls into school. It is also about ensuring that girls learn and feel safe while in school; have the opportunity to complete all levels of education, acquiring the knowledge and skills to compete in the labor market; gain socio-emotional and life skills necessary to navigate and adapt to a changing world; make decisions about their own lives; and contribute to their communities and the world.

The Impact of war to women and girls.
Women and girls have their health and safety, their human rights, and their futures placed at unbelievable risk during conflict.
Simply because of their gender, women and girls caught in the middle of war experience sexual violence, physical and verbal abuse, and barriers in accessing resources and having their human rights met; this is of course all on top of being directly exposed to conflict on the front lines and facing life-threatening conditions.
In its entirety, war is an enemy of progress and threatens to increase extreme poverty for people and nations. Citizens flee their homes toward uncertain displacement; food and other necessities for well-being become scarce; economies face huge losses; and nations see the mass destruction of infrastructure. War, conflict, and crises introduce women and girls to a very real fear: that their safety and human rights will be the last priority amid the violence.
3 Things to Know About How War Impacts Women and Girls
- The biggest risk they face is Gender Based Violence. Women and girls are exposed to unprecedented rates of sexual violence, abuse, and torture in war conditions.
- Conflict enforces the objectification of women and girls, as they are often seen as weapons of war, being used by perpetrators of violence to assert control.
- More than half of the world’s conflict-related refugee population is made up of women and children. –

With three in four primary-age children out of school in the world’s newest country, we look at the factors that are keeping them away from the classroom. Nearly three-quarters of primary school-aged children in South Sudan are being denied an education due to civil war and a food crisis.
Adults living with children are more likely to be poor. Living with children is associated with higher poverty for adults and it increases the likelihood of poverty for both women and men aged 25–34. But women are more likely to live in households with children than their male counterparts. While women in this age-group are more likely to be married and have small children.

Food security:
Hunger and food insecurity are major contributors to the overall problem of poverty in Africa. But the true viciousness is that poverty, in turn, is the primary driver of hunger in Africa. One feeds the other. And together tens of millions of children are going hungry and dying.

The important for women to come together:
Coming together is what allows us to keep moving forward. It’s so important that women look each other in the eye and go, ‘What’s happening is not okay, and we are not alone in trying to shift it. We are not alone in our pain, and we are not alone in transforming our pain into power.

There’s a reason for despair: the chance of a woman dying in childbirth is three times higher in Africa than in industrialized nations. Moreover, one out of every six children in Africa dies before the age of five. Women must labor not only with this burden, but the burden of being the backbone of the rural economies, farming small plots, selling fruits and vegetables and providing the basic necessities for their families. Still, they have a hard time eking out a living. They often must travel long distances to the markets via dirt roads that are largely impassable, especially during long rainy seasons.

Displacement and refugees affected women:
Amidst record displacement globally, women and girls contend with additional risks during their displacement journey, such as physical and sexual violence, kidnappings, early and forced marriages, and intimate partner violence. Many suffer the resulting trauma for life. Displaced persons suffer significantly higher rates of mortality than the general population. They also remain at high risk of physical attack, sexual assault and abduction, and frequently are deprived of adequate shelter, food and health service.

Supporting Women in Business Is Essential for Innovation. A sisterhood is a social, ethical, and emotional pact between women. It’s based on an understanding that together we are stronger than we are as individuals.
Women Business:
Supporting local women entrepreneurs allows them to reinvest in their businesses and training. Women entrepreneurs and small businesses use this money to expand their businesses which in turn promises further financial security, community involvement, and economic impact.

Women Entrepreneurs Are Critical To Economic Growth.
Women entrepreneurs create new jobs for themselves and others and by being different solutions to management. In today Indian scenario when India is turning out to be an economic power house the recent financial crisis which has affected countries has had its impact on the minds of women as they have understood the need to earn more.